We are a group of ordinary people whose official name is the Religious Society of Friends. Quakers share a way of life, more than a set of beliefs.
We believe each person is uniquely valuable and there is something of God in everyone. This is a divine spark to be nurtured and protected.
We are more concerned with the truth behind words than formal statements of belief.
Quakerism has its roots in Christianity, but emphasises individual experience over creeds, and embraces expressions of the spirit of love and truth in other religious traditions, in secular sources and in people’s lives.
In Great Britain, there are about 18,000 members of the Religious Society of Friends across 450 Meetings. There are around 340,000 Quakers worldwide.
Click here for more information about Quakers.
We meet together for worship based on silent waiting, in which we seek to come nearer to one another and to God. The Meeting for Worship begins as soon as anyone sits down in silence. The silence may be broken by anyone who feels compelled to speak, pray or read.
No two Quaker Meetings are the same, and a meeting can embrace a wide range of experience.
Everyone is welcome: Christians, those from other faiths and from none. In Sheffield Central Meeting, the children have their own activities and join us a few minutes before the end of our Meeting for Worship.
Come along to one of our Meetings – you will be very welcome.