Sheffield Quakers – The Religious Society of Friends

sheffield quaker meeting house

Sheffield Quakers share a way of life, not a set of beliefs. Acknowledge yours and everyone's unique value with us at our next meeting for worship.


We are a large, vibrant Quaker meeting based in a fully accessible city centre building. Every Sunday our building is well-used with adults and children coming to Quaker worship. We have used different parts of the building for creative activities, children’s parties, dancing, office space, meeting rooms, shared meals and community events. For many years we let out rooms for meetings during the week but are now changing how we use our space.

We are currently sharing our building with other organisations we are happy to support.

However, this arrangement is fairly short-term, whilst their own premises are being refurbished. Another wonderful local organisation that may be joining us in our building is Kaleido Arts for Wellbeing, who provide creative workshops for people suffering because of war, discrimination, abuse and loss. Find out more here and perhaps consider supporting their current fundraising initiative.

We are keen to let out rooms long-term to an organisation or business that shares our values and will make good use of a flexible city centre base. We have good transport links, on-street parking and on-site bike parking.

Our Quaker community will continue to use the ground floor but wants to make better use of the first and lower ground floor rooms, flexible spaces which could serve a variety of purposes. We would be willing to offer a discount for an organisation interested in taking on a whole floor.

We are open to negotiation and seek tenants who share our values and are interested in finding a long-term rental arrangement. Might that be you? Please contact us to discuss possibilities.

About Sheffield Quakers

We are a group of ordinary people whose official name is the Religious Society of Friends. Quakers share a way of life, not a set of beliefs.

We believe each person is uniquely valuable and there is something of God in everyone. This is a divine spark to be nurtured and protected.

Quaker Values

Equality and Justice

Quakers believe everyone is equal. This inspires us to try to change the systems that cause injustice and that stop us being genuine communities. It also means working with people who suffer injustice, such as prisoners of conscience and asylum seekers. 


We believe that love is at the centre of existence and that all human life is of equal worth. We work in areas affected by violent conflict to developing alternatives to violence at all levels. This could be personal or international.

Truth and integrity

Quakers try to live according to the deepest truth we know, and we connect most deeply to this in the stillness of worship. This means speaking the truth at all times, including to people in positions of power. As we are guided by integrity, so we expect to see it in public life.

Simplicity and Sustainability

Quakers are concerned about excess and waste in our society. We try to live simply and to find space for the things that really matter: the people around us, the natural world, and our experience of stillness.

Sheffield Quakers on Israel & Palestine

Quakers believe everyone’s life is sacred, and we have written our statement in relation to the terrible situation of conflict in Israel and Palestine.

Families at Sheffield Quakers

families at sheffield quakers

We offer a children’s meeting every Sunday during school terms, starting at 10.30am. During school holidays (including half terms) there is no organised activity but families would still be welcome, provided supervision is undertaken by the parents/carers.

Safeguarding policy and related documents are available to access from the bottom line of this page. 

If you want more detail please contact us.

What's Coming Up At Sheffield Quakers?

sheffield quaker history

History of Sheffield Quakers

Within 20 years of George Fox bringing his radical message, that God’s inspiration could be experienced as a direct personal relationship, Quaker meetings sprang up at Tickhill, Balby and Woodhouse, followed by Upperthorpe and Sheffield in 1669.

Land was purchased for a burial ground off Broad Lane in 1676 (now a vacant lot just to the left of McCague’s Garage). At that time Quakers met for worship at sites like this or in their own homes.

How To Find Sheffield Quakers

Our Meeting House is situated on a side road (St James’ Street) next to Sheffield Cathedral, which is easily accessible by tram. There is also city council on-road parking nearby.