Children and young Peoples Meeting (September 22)

The Children and Young People’s Meeting happens every Sunday in term time and all children are welcome. If your child or children have any additional needs please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them. You might prefer to speak to someone before you come, to find out more about how this Meeting works. If so, please ask for details using our contact page.

Normally, the children and young people join the Meeting for Worship downstairs for about 10 minutes at the end of Meeting. We are all together for social time after Meeting.

The first meeting for the 2022/2023 academic year is on Sunday 11 September. There is a welcoming circle from 10.25am which parents/carers also join. There are suggested separate groups for pre-schoolers and school-age children but there is flexibility to suit individual families’ needs. Parents stay with pre-schoolers but parents of school-age children may join the main meeting if they wish. Families are welcome to come along at any time of the year and we also have occasional social meet-ups at other times.

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